We have been raising funds for various requests, Scanner/Readers, Spectacle Viewer, for sight impaired, special equipment for young children, a special swing in the Millom Park, dropped kerbs in various towns, Access ramps in Millom Post Office, Ulverston Natwest Bank, an electric scooter, wheel chairs for different places including Waterloo House Doctors Surgery, Directed unwanted scooters/wheelchairs to Muncaster Castle.
We can and have given our recommendations to different bodies on disabled safety, certain members have completed a course to assist us do this, we have equipment to test the spring on toilet doors, degree of the slope on a ramp, heated water and radiator temperature, light sensitivity in a room, situation of toilets for different users who dismount in different positions from a wheelchair to a toilet.
We now meet in Millom Methodist Church, Queen Street, Millom, Cumbria on the second TUESDAY in each Month at 10:30am. We are now starting to be self-supportive, for things like stationery to write to government bodies on disability issues.
All disabled persons are welcome to our meeting, their carers, family members or friends, just use the two contact phone numbers on the Webpage and all inquiries will be dealt with.