Connect to Tech – Let’s get Digital!
Richmond AID, Richmond Mind, Ruils, Richmond Mencap and Age UK are all working in partnership on Connect to Tech! We aim to make technology fun and accessible to all.
Connect to Tech will support people over the age of 18 living in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, across all impairment groups and health conditions including physical and sensory disabilities, learning difficulties and people with mental health conditions. All support is also available to unpaid carers.
Age UK will support older people with a wide range of tailored IT support and Mencap will support learning disabled people.
Connect to Tech at Richmond AID
Richmond AID’s friendly digital trainers, James and Josh, are delivering training sessions in small informal groups to help you get online and learn new skills! Our sessions cover areas such as email, Zoom, WhatsApp, WIFI, broadband and will help you learn how to do things like internet shopping, searching for information and using apps. We also cover online safety as well as accessibility features. You can bring your own smart phone, iPad or laptop or borrow one of ours.
For more information email or call 020 8831 6070