What is Social Prescribing?
Your doctor isn't the only person who can help you feel better. Social Prescribing is an NHS service available to all.
We support people with social, emotional, and practical needs by focusing on improving mental and physical health to enhance your wellbeing.
We offer a non-medical approach, by exploring local activities and services in the community and asking about what matters to you.
What we do:
• We will support you for up to 8 sessions.
• We will empower you to develop your independence and confidence in the community.
• We will work alongside you to develop an action plan which may involve:
- Linking you to groups and activities.
- Developing a wellbeing toolkit.
- Supporting you to meet others.
- Referring or signposting you to other services.
What we don’t do:
• We do not answer phones outside of working hours.
• We have a full diary of appointments so may not be able to respond to queries immediately.
• We are not mental health professionals so are unable to deliver interventions but will assist you to try to find suitable support.
• We are not a crisis or emergency service and cannot replicate the work carried out by statutory services.
• Social Prescribing does not provide transport, sitting, cleaning or financial management services.
• Our conversations will be confidential and non-judgmental.
• However, if I have concerns about your safety, or the safety of others, I have a duty of care to raise this with relevant agencies.
You must be registered at one of South Hardwick Primary Care Network’s GP surgeries to access our service:
Royal Primary Care Claycross & Grassmoor (Blue Dykes Surgery)
Staffa Health
Village Surgery
North Wingfield Medical Centre
Clay Cross Medical Centre
Limes Medical Centre
St Lawrence Road Surgery
Wingerworth Medical Centre
Blackwell Medical Centre
18+ without complex mental health needs