Wilder Wellbeing 6 week programme - Maidstone

Join us to explore the five ways to wellbeing, within our natural environment! 

We are offering a six week programme, to experience the wellbeing benefits nature has to offer, within a group setting. Sessions are gentle paced, where we will take notice of the nature around us and take part in some simple relaxation techniques. The sessions are for individuals who are over 55 and living in Maidstone , or under 55 with a long term health need. 

Sessions may include

-mindful birdwatching

-breathing exercises 

-connecting with nature through senses- touch, hearing, sight, smell and sometimes taste

-nature identification e.g. trees, butterflies

-nature crafts, drawing, poetry .

Please bring any refreshments you may want and wear suitable attire for the weather.  The sessions are accessible and adaptable, with flat paths, and a pace that suits the group. Please note sessions will include slow paced walking and standing limited seating on the nature reserve. Toilet facilities are available at the beginning and end of the walk.

Where: Kent Wildlife Trust, Tyland Barn, Maidstone ME14 3BD                                                           

When: Thursday 25th January - 29th February afternoon- time to be confirmed at point of contact 

How: Sessions are free, but you must have completed a registration form prior to joining the programme. These are not drop in sessions, but a 6 week programme which we ask participants to attend in full (although we understand events such as sickness may occur) - this is so you can receive the full benefit of the programme to your wellbeing.

Contact:  If you have any questions, or would like to register, please contact the Nature and Wellbeing Officer: wilderwellbeing@kentwildlife.org.uk 

Outdoor activities
Exercise and fitness classes
Activities for older people
Connecting with nature
Connecting with others
Getting active
Healthy lifestyle
Services for older people
Additional needs catered for:
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 0
nature, wildlife, walk, outside, maidstone
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.